I am preparing my garden right now to plant my first crop from these seeds. I would have started earlier, but we have been having crazy weather. This is a work in progress, I am building raised beds in my backyard and they are constantly under improvement. Right now I need to get compost and dirt to cover them.
I am currently watching a webinar about why you should buy, raise and save seeds as part of your survival preparedness. Last year I helped Kickstart a program for Fruition Seeds in Naples adn Branchport, New York. They grow and sell heirloom seeds, guaranteed GMO free.
I am preparing my garden right now to plant my first crop from these seeds. I would have started earlier, but we have been having crazy weather. This is a work in progress, I am building raised beds in my backyard and they are constantly under improvement. Right now I need to get compost and dirt to cover them.
I went to a wonderful conference called Fruitmania at Cypress Gardens last Saturday. I had a good time. There were many good speakers, presentations, as well as plants and books to buy. Everyone got a chance at various door prizes and got to vote on the best jelly/jam presented for blind taste testing. I will definitely go again next time. It was well worth the money and my time. <a id="rc-255a6226" class="rafl" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/255a6226/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a> <script src="//d12vno17mo87cx.cloudfront.net/embed/rafl/cptr.js"></script>
They always have good contests, I wish to win this one. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red254\green254\blue254;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl360\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 a Rafflecopter giveaway\ } This is my second attempt at a hat on my circle loom. I like the color and fit. I'll be making a few more for sending to relatives for Christmas.
I finished my first e-wrap knit hat. I made a few errors but it was my first. My first attempt was a little too long and tight. My next one should fit me. I love the colors. This book has many patterns from basic to intermediate. If I finish a few more in time, I will send them to my nieces and nephews for Christmas.
I so happy, I paid for this Kickstarter last year and the rewards finally came in. I was able to order 50 seed packets worth $200 for only $2.95 shipping. I will start planting these in the spring. I need to get another greenhouse and make more raised beds so I can start growing my crops. I can't wait until I have plants I've grown to can and add to my slowly building food storage.
I will finish my rain barrel tomorrow, so will have a supply of water for my plants without affecting my water bill. I will gradually get more barrels, but need to keep within my budget to build up my savings. In other news, I just sold my first book on my Amazon store, The Lord of Greenwich, I'll mail it tomorrow. I also will start my new job with DAV Force as an auto mechanic on the Charleston Naval Weapon Station. Today is one of a few Thanksgivings that I've been able to be home because I've been contracting overseas. That is one big thing to be thankful for, that I'm home at this time. I am currently looking for steady work as well as working on my projects to sell on my Etsy store. It is all a work in progress.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone reading this. Below is the picture of my first harvest from two different plants. A tomato and cucumber. More is on the way. We went to a role playing convention in Charlotte, NC; it lasted from Friday-Sunday. Almost 700 people attended the event at the Hilton Hotel.
It was a cold and blustery weekend, but we had a good time. I played in multiple games of Savage Worlds in multiple campaign settings. As well as multiple panels, in between gaming and panels; I walked around visiting people and shopping. I bought a few things and painted miniatures. Friday 6pm Writing in the RPG Industry (great) 7 pm Miniature Painting Workshop. 8 pm Battle for Oz (SW), it was a great game and fun. I just wish that it hadn't lasted until midnight. Saturday 9 am Winter Break (SW), I played a variation of Sarah Connor (terminator) 11 am World Building (great), the panel members like the concept for my world 130 pm Mark of Murder (SW), interesting game. It was like criminal minds, I played an investigative reporter that was helping the cops and FBI. 6 pm Charity Auction. Everything was sold, I picked up a folding, rolling crate--I love it. Sunday 9 am Shaintar Justice and Life (SW), great game. I played a goblin rogue and was able to keep it for the Living campaign. The pictures below are from this game. |
MelissaI have always loved nature. When I was younger in a small town in NE Washington. In the summer or anytime that I felt like it, I was always hiking up and down the hills along the Coulee Wall (canyon). Archives
November 2014